All-in-One EPR Solution
WEEE compliance
As a producer of electronic equipment, you have a variety of obligations resulting from the WEEE Directive and its national implementations, that differ from country to country. You need to comply with local legislation in order to avoid penalties.
All-in-One EPR Solution
BATTery compliance
Are you aware that you can also be considered “producer” of batteries when selling Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) that contains batteries or accumulators?
This means that may you also need to take care of those BATT obligations, both existing national law and changing requirements and target settings arising over the next years from the new European regulation.
All-in-One EPR Solution
PACKaging compliance
Similar to WEEE and BATTeries, also PACKaging material and packed products are subject to EPR legislation. Obviously, hardly and product is sold without packaging. Whenever you sell Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and/or Batteries, it is therefore necessary to check in which countries you have obligations or if you can benefit from available exemptions.
The new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) approved by the European legislators in December 2024 will bring several new requirements and obligations to comply with, as the European Union wants to reduce waste and strengthen circular business models over the coming years.
Reporting Platform
Meet our PRONEXA® Customer Data Management platform to comply with your reporting obligations
The leading PROs of Europe united
PRONEXA (previously weee EUROPE) was founded in 2014 by 9 of the leading PROs in Europe with one common goal: To create a European solution to centrally manage Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) across different markets.
Today, we are an alliance of 17 market leading member organisations plus partners in the remaining countries covering WEEE, BATTeries and PACKaging obligations in 30 European countries.
Together, we coordinate the largest take-back and recycling infrastructure in Europe bringing local expertise and in-depth market knowledge into one organisation:
PRONEXA – The leading Producer Responsibility Network.
We are more than your trusted compliance advisor. We are your strategic partner to make circular economy reality. Let us help you saving resources and becoming more sustainable.